READ PROVERBS 3:5-6…Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding

            When we have an important decision to make we feel like we can trust our ideas. We must be careful how we trust our ideas to others as to what is best for our lives.

            We must trust in the Lord and stop leaning on our own understanding. Seek Gods will and he will guide and direct your thoughts.

            When you believe the right things you can live right, or righteous. The reason the devil is winning in peoples lives is because we doubt Gods ability and Gods willingness to use his ability to guide and help us because we feel unworthy. In truth none of us are worthy, only by accepting Jesus as savior can we become worthy.

            We have tied Gods ability to work in our lives through our wrong thinking. Everything that we need in life has already been granted through the finished work at the cross in the fullness of Jesus Christ.

            We are in so much bondage as to the way we think, until we stop the manifestation of Gods blessings for our life. Our bondage is of the world, we must cast it aside.  We must renew our minds daily by reading Gods word. Every blessing God has for us is our hands.

            Healing, prosperity, salvation and deliverance comes through faith in the finished work at the cross. Stop trying to get God to do something he has already done. He has laid out your blessings and you just need to believe and receive what he has for you.

            Renewing your mind is exchanging your carnal thoughts, your worldly beliefs and your opinions for Gods thoughts, Gods beliefs and Gods opinions. His wishes for our lives is outlined in his word.

            All your thoughts and opinions need to line up with the word of God. Don’t let the things of the world dictate what God can and can’t do in your life.

            If God says you can, you can, if He says he will, He will. Gods spirit is one with your spirit, the Holy Spirit in you will bring your soul and body in line with Gods word.

            Everywhere you walk God is with you, everything you see or do, God is with you. The Holy Spirit in your spirit will cause something awesome to happen in your life. When you change your thinking and start renewing your mind with the word of God, the Holy Spirit will bring it all together. You can’t see the spirit within you with your physical eyes you must look with your spiritual eyes.

            Each day you start anew with God. His word is the truth and knowing the truth will set you free.

God bless,

Brother Andy

Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer


            When we pray we are making a demand upon Gods power. When a need touches Him, it makes a demand upon his ability to meet that need.

            Prayer is the way we touch Him. Prayer means that we come boldly into the throne room and we are standing in His presence.

            No other aspect of Christian service links us to Gods power as that of prayer.

            The power of prayer coupled with the powers of heaven can remove mountains in our lives and the lives of others.

            The power of prayer which can awaken those who sleep in sin and raise up the dead. A power which can capture strongholds and make the impossible possible. Prayer is to the spirit what breath is to the body.


If we think prayer is something we do only in emergencies, we have missed its value.  We treat prayer as though it is the spice of life, but the bible says it is a vital staple in our diet.

            We are content with a dash of praise, a pinch of petition, a drop of confessing to bring a slight spiritual flavor to our secular life. We sprinkle a shake or two of the supernatural over our basic humanism and call the mixture religion.

            But God sees prayer as the breath of spiritual life. The power of prayer is really the power of god released through prayer.

            When speaking about the power of prayer, it is important that Christians understand that the might power of god is released in peoples lives through prayer.

            True prayer releases the power to bring results, but God is the source of that power of prayer. Prayer is as mighty as God because he has committed himself to answer it.

            1st Peter 3:12 says... for the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers. Prayer when properly understood and developed can reach beyond any barrier and conquer any mountain.

            Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouse of Gods infinite grace and power. All God is, and all that God has is at the disposal of prayer. Three is no circumstance or geographic location that prayer can not penetrate.

            Prayer can go to places where no other power can reach. There is no situation or problem to great for the power of prayer. It leads to all blessings and brings the prayer warrior into the very presence of God himself

            Here are the vast possibilities of prayer. Wisdom, knowledge, holiness and heaven are at the command of prayer. Nothing is outside of the reach of our prayers.


Be blessed

Bro Andy

Happy Valentines Day

The Power of Love

The power of love is a force in itself that can move mountains. There are two kinds of love, the love of people which often is a conditional love, and the God kind of love, Agape (
pronounced uh-ga pei) love which is unconditional.

Many people today don’t feel loved and have little hope of ever being loved. Which in itself is really sad. We as Christians are commanded to love one another as Christ loved us.

If you took a survey and asked people, do you feel loved, we would probably be surprised at the answers.

People that are not loved as small children have a hard time trying to show love at a mature age. This is the cause of a lot of failures in marriages. It is hard to show true love if you have never received it.

If you, by chance, are one of these unlucky ones and don’t know what true love is, let me assure you that you are not alone.

When we get the knowledge of just how much God loves us we will never feel unloved again. When you begin to focus on Gods love you become unshakable.

Gods plan is to take his perfect love, deposit it on the inside of us and when we become perfected in His love we can now love ourselves and one another.

There is so much peace in your life when you realize and capture how much God really loves you.

God proved his love for us, while we were still sinners by giving heavens best, His Son, Jesus Christ. He came down from his home in heaven to earth to save mankind. He shed His own life blood for the remission of our sins.

When you know God’s love you will know the power of God. When you know God’s love you will experience his power.

There is a difference in believing someone loves you and knowing someone loves you. These words sometimes get mixed up with emotions.

When two people meet and their chemistry starts to manifest it is real easy to say I love you, and easy for the other person to believe you. It is so wonderful to hear those words, I love you. Every one needs to feel loved.

Knowing someone loves you is quite a different story. True love always comes with action. If you really love me don’t just say it, prove it with your actions. Be kind to me, talk nice to me, take care of my needs, treat me like you would your closest friend.

Every one needs love. God is all love. Personally I have no doubt about Gods love. Don’t accept second best for your life, be filled with Gods love, be led by His love and be free in His love.

Be blessed,

Brother Andy

By My Spirit


For God is a Spirit, and when we worship him we must worship him in spirit and in truth.

It is the Spirit that quickeneth us according to the word…he gives you more life to your mortal bodies. So that Jesus might be manifested in your mortal flesh.

Read ROM 8: 1 8 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus

For the power of the life giving spirit who is the Holy Spirit of God, has freed you thru Christ Jesus

he has freed us from the power of sin that leads to death.

The law of moses could not save us, because of the sinful nature, God had a different plan, to save us, he sent his only begotten son, Jesus the Christ

God destroyed sins control over us by giving his son as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

We are no longer to follow our sin nature, but to follow the spirit…

The ones who are controlled by the Holy Spirit, think about the things that please the spirit.

The sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws and never will.

That is why people that are not lead by the spirit, will not be able to please God.

Read ROM 8: 16... 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of god:

the holy spirit speaks to our hearts and tells us that we are Gods children.

And since we are his children, we will share his treasures, because we are joint heirs with Christ. Everything God gave Jesus is ours too.

1st Corr 2:9 says.. But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man….The things which God hath prepared for them that love him. but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit

It is all about the leading of Gods Holy Spirit, you must be filled with the Spirit, and be lead by the Spirit…