REVELATION 13:16-17   16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Many prophecy experts can see the results of the number and the mark of the beast as a cashless society. Today the governments of the world want to eliminate our paper and coin money so that all transactions can track all buying and selling.

Perhaps some of the most fanciful suggestions for prophetic interpretation revolve around the meaning of this number. The text does not indicate that it somehow will mathematically speak the name of the antichrist. since the number will not be revealed until the middle of the revelation period and the church will be raptured out by then, it seems more likely that we, the church, will not be given a hint as to the full meaning or even the name of the antichrist.  

The mark of the beast is not my number, your number or even the number of anyone that can be identified at this time. I don’t think it will be your driver’s license number, social security number or even a national I.D. number.

It is not a different number for different people. It is the same mark, name or number for everyone. It is the mark, name or number of the antichrist.

Revelation 13:17   17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Those who take the mark are accepting the antichrist as god. They are choosing the beast over Jesus, thereby refusing Gods offer of salvation, mercy, forgiveness and love. This will be the end of their opportunity to be saved. Everything that is needed in the form of chips and systems to enforce the mark is available at this time. These will be powerful chips, scanners the antichrist will use to keep track of everything that goes on in the world.

Chips were placed in the bodies of many of those who died in the southeast of Asian tsunami. They are placing chips in many people in several countries.

Some international financial experts are saying the coming one world government will have its own one world currency.

The global government will force people to use it by making it illegal to buy and sell in any currency except the new world currency and every transaction will include ones national global I.D number.

Bio pay systems are gaining wider acceptance and use. These systems use fingerprints and eye scan technology to debit purchases from their customers bank accounts. They offer great protection against identification theft and relieve the customer from carrying credit cards. Businesses receive their money immediately with added advantage of not getting stuck with bad credit.

These things are not the mark of the beast, but they are a giant step in that direction because they establish a system to track the buying and selling of people. One push of the computer button will provide a list of those who have taken the mark and of those who haven’t taken the mark. Scripture tells us that in the future a one world system of government will require every person to receive a mark in his or her right hand or in their forehead.

Without this mark of the beast, no one would be able to buy or sell. In years past few could envision how such a system could be. The technology at that time was not advanced enough for people to see it. Now such a thing is not only viable but probable.

Stay in the word,
Until next time,
Brother Andy

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