Blessed and Highly Favored

Blessed and Highly Favored

We have experience this blessed and highly favored over the past few months. God has been so good to us. Let me explain.

We put our home on the market one day a couple of months ago so we could move to a dryer climate. It was for many reason, one being we felt God wanted us where we are now.

We put our house on the market one evening at 5 Pm. Ready to wait for just the right buyer to find our house and love it as much as we do. The very next day, 18 hours later we got a full price offer for our home.

We knew it was blessing of God. We knew he has found favor with us. We met the woman who bought our house and we knew God had blessed her too… she had been looking for a home for six months. Waiting for just the right home. Thank you, God.

It took an unusual length of time for the house to close. I kept trusting God and knew it was all in His hands. Finally, that day came when we went to closing… it was on Friday, we spent one last night in our beloved home.

The next morning, we were up and ready to go on our great adventure to find our next home. We drove for three days to get to our little town in the Arizona desert. Exhausted we stopped at a hotel at ten A.M. wanting nothing more than a hot shower a change of clothes and to go start searching for our new home. The hotel didn’t let new customers come in until 3 pm. 

We decided to go to see some of the homes we had found online. The first one we looked at ticked off all the things we wanted in our new home. We made an offer on it that day, went to the bank and paid it off. Three days later we started moving our stuff in… Praise God for His favor.

Our furniture from home should be here in a week from today… Thank you God, all is well. Praise your holy name….

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