If the Christian live is simply a matter of doing our best, there was no need for God to send the Holy Spirit to help us

Read John 14:26  26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Your lives as Christians should be testimonies of the love of Christ.

Those who choose to remain outside the church should be inspired by the unity and love they see among believers.

Unfortunately, our society has a warped perspective on the person and work of Christ, even churches don’t agree in a lot of things.

How can we expect them to embrace a Savior they know nothing about…?

Read John 3:12  If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

We certainly can not expect them to surrender to a Lord whose servants can’t even get along…

Christians have a responsibility of living a life that others can see Christ in us.  If we would smile, it would be a nice change, most people never smile.

As the body of Christ, we are his hands and his feet and we are also his mouthpiece.

We are the only disciples of Jesus that some people will ever know.

To reach these people, we Christians must be empowered by the Holy Spirit and directed by the Holy Spirit. Words alone are not enough. We must have the anointing and the presence drawing people before they will accept Jesus.

There are times when I am concerned about people who have come forward and prayed the prayer of salvation and concluded that Christianity is just not working for them.

After you have given your life to Christ, if Gods word isn’t working in your life, some where you have missed something. God’s word always works.

A lot of times we ask God for something and if we don’t get it in the time we think it should happen we just give up and say it didn’t work

Remember we still love in an imperfect world in flesh bodies.

God is looking for imperfect men and women who

Will live moment by moment, depending on the Holy Spirit. God knows we are not perfect, he knows somewhere along the line we will sin and sin in the flesh until we get our resurrected bodies.

God’s method for reaching this generation is using Christians whose lifestyles are directed by the Holy Spirit.

The Christian life is not something that gets easier with time. As you grow in your faith and get stronger, the devil tries harder to derail you.

The Christian life is not something you grow into, it is impossible…as long as we live in our flesh body, we will still sin

You can’t live it, I can’t live it, God doesn’t even expect us to live it. He expects us to keep up the good fight of faith Satan will keep deceiving you and try to lead you away from God.

God knows it is impossible, Jesus knew it was impossible, that is why he sent the Holy Spirit to inform us as to, “what do I do to live righteous”.

The Holy Spirit leads us in all truth and it is the truth that sets us free.

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