The carnal mind will only
believe what it sees, smells, taste, feels, ect.
Your carnal mind can only go
as far as natural knowledge will allow it
In the natural realm, if you
don’t know you can’t do
You can’t produce what you
don’t know.
Throughout the word of God we
find promises for our healing and health.
It is God will for us to be
well and enjoy life and health to its fullest.
The God that heals is the God
that is able to sustain you and keep you healthy.
It all happens according to
your faith and the words you speak.
Just as healing is received
by faith, so is healing kept by faith.
The same promises that build
faith to receive divine healing can also build faith to sustain it.
Just as healing is received
by faith, healing is kept by faith.
Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing
by the word of God.
To receive from Gods word you
must know what Gods word says about what you want to receive.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped
for the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is not just a word,
faith is a substance. The substance hoped for is the assurance that what God
has made possible through Jesus will manifest.
Faith is the door to the
things hoped for, faith opens the door.
Faith, hope and love: Faith opens
the door of hope and God loves it.

The words we speak are very
powerful. That is why we must know about faith and how faith works
Receiving what God has made
available for us is more than a head trip, it is a heart trip.
For out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaks.
So hear is the key to
everything God has for us and how it works.
First you must be born again and
make Jesus Lord of your life
Second, you must believe God
is, God can, and God will.
Third you must know what the
word says.
Fourth, you must speak the
word in faith.

God is saying, My word will
accomplish where I send it.
When you speak the word out
of the abundance of your heart by faith, it activates the Word of God.
What you say will manifest,
not by hoping, but belief in the word of God.
When you speak the word of
God, Gods word goes through your soul, down to your spirit man.
When you speak and believe
through faith it opens up the door for the manifestation of Gods word to accomplish
what the word says it will do.
Our problem is we try to get
God to bless us through the soulish realm and that will never happen.
God works through the spirit
realm, God is spirit, we are spirit that lives in a body, and we have a soul.
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