Knowing the Voice of God

            Today we live in a natural world, in a natural flesh body. We also have a soul and spirit.

            Because we live in a natural world, in the flesh, we have the tendency to lean toward our five physical senses.

            What we see, hear, smell, touch and taste are the natural things we focus on most of the time. However this is the main reason Satan, the devil, can manipulate us. We are in his natural arena.

            Now is the time to move ahead and focus on the spirit man, which is inside of you, and the spirits way of thinking.

Doing this will put you over into Gods arena, and there you will have Gods thoughts, the way that God wants you to go, and Gods protection.

            Here is how you do that:

Keep Gods word in front of your eyes at all times. No matter what you think you see with your natural eyes, go to Gods word. See what he has to say about your situation.

            The same thing goes with what you hear; sometimes what we think we hear might not be what was actually said.

            There is a lot of difference between something truly stated and a statement of truth.

            John 8:32 says… and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. God’s word is the truth that sets you free.

            Sometimes people doubt Gods word, they say if I can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or touch it probably isn’t there.

            That kind of thinking will only lead into deception. You can’t fight spiritual war thinking in the natural realm, or in a carnal mind set.

            Smell and taste have similar reactions, but on another level…there are a lot of times when God is speaking to us but we are not listening.

            There are a lot of times that God hears our cry but we haven’t trained our spiritual ears to hear him speak.

            Satan works in the natural, where as God works in the supernatural.

            The reason we are not hearing the voice of God is we stay in the natural arena of thinking and Satan blocks us from hearing from the supernatural way that God speaks to us.

            John 5:25 says… the hour is coming when even the dead in Christ will hear his voice and respond to it.

So if the dead can hear his voice and respond to it, surely we the living can train ourselves to recognize it… think about it, try it.

            Open up your heart to God, talk to him, meditate on his word, you might be surprised how close God is to you in your life.

            Read the word,

            Brother Andy.




I was once asked, what are you going to say to Jesus when you stand directly in front of Him, face to face.

Several things went through my mind, and the only answer I could come up with was, thank you so much.

That is not very much of an answer to say to the one that suffered and died so I could live.

It is like your hurt and loosing all your blood and someone walks up and says you can have mine.

He is saying, I am willing to die so you can live. That is very close to how it happened at the cross.

God has a purpose for our lives and the only way he could manifest it in our lives is through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

In the Garden of Eden, treason was manifested through sin, and mankind was separated from the presence of God.

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we were bough, paid for and brought back to the presence of God. Brought back by accepting what Jesus did.

In John 14:6  Jesus says… I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me. In other words you will never see heaven or spend eternity with Him in heaven unless you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.     

If you have your bible, go to Romans 10:9-10  9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

In Hebrews 13:5-6    5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.   6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

No I really don’t know what I would say to Jesus, I am not sure I could

 say anything. Being in His presence would be so overwhelming. His awesomeness, His beauty, His love will probably overcome our thoughts.

John 14:2-3 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I

Would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Jesus is saying I am building you a place in a mansion; I want to spend eternity with you.

It does not matter where you live, in the USA or any other country; God is in all the world.

You may be going through some bad times and you may not understand why, but God understands. That is why He said; let not your heart be troubled

Sometimes bad things happen to good people never think God has forgotten you. This life we lead is a short span of time if you compare it to eternity.

You as a person, saved or not saved will stand face to face before Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.

You will either spend eternity in heaven with Jesus by accepting what he did at the cross, or you will spend eternity with all unbelievers in the lake of fire with Satan who is the devil. Please choose life with Christ today.


Brother Andy.



Too often I have seen Christians start going to church and things seem like they are going well, and then the adversary shows up and starts putting their past in front of their eyes.

They start thinking about the past sin in their lives and give up hope once more…

When you’re on the top of things the devil will do everything he can to bring you down with words like this…
            *Nobody loves you,
            *Now you are all alone,
            *You have no friends…and it goes on and on
            *Being a Christian is impossible; it is not going    to work for you,
            *You are a failure, and you are just going to fail again,
            *Things will never get better, stop fighting it and just accept it…
            *Who do you think you are somebody great, have you forgotten all those mistakes you 
             have made?
I have seen so many people try and try again to break free from their past only to end up listening to the poisonous condemning judgment and the lies of Satan.

That is the power of wrong belief, what you believe whether good or bad is powerful…Change your belief, change your life, don’t get caught up in the guilt trap, or the fear trap.

John 8:32 says… you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Free from what? Free from the bondage that Satan puts on you through deception and lies.

Jesus himself is the truth that sets us free; he is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right.

He frees us from the consequences of sin, from self deception and from deception by Satan.

He shows us clearly the way to eternal life with God… Jesus does not give us freedom to do what we want, but freedom to follow God.

As we seek to serve God, Jesus’ perfect truth frees us to be all that God meant us to be.

Sin has a way of enslaving us, controlling us, and dominating us, dictating our actions.

Why?  Because Satan is always watching our movements throughout our lives so he can accuse us.

Jesus can free you from all the things that keep you from becoming the person God created you to be.

If sin is restraining you from being what God created you to be Jesus can break its power sin has over your life.

He will take away the guilt, the sorrow and the emotional roller coaster that washes us back and forth.

God loves you; he will never leave or forsake you. Let the power and anointing of God lead and direct your life, and you will never have this guilt feeling again.

If you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, Satan has no right to accuse you of anything.

If you are a child of God your past is behind you.

Be blessed,
Brother Andy

Living a Spirit Filled Life



If the Christian live is simply a matter of doing our best, there was no need for God to send the Holy Spirit to help us

Read John 14:26  26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send
in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Our lives as Christians should be testimonies of the love of Christ.

Those who choose to remain outside the church should be inspired by the unity and love              they see among believers.

Unfortunately, our society has a warped perspective on the person and work of Christ

How can we expect them to embrace a Savior they know nothing about…?
 Read John 3:12

We certainly can not expect them to surrender to a Lord whose servants can’t even
get along.

Christians have a responsibility of living a life that others can see Christ in us. Most
never smile... it would be a nice change.

As the body of Christ, we are his hands and his feet and we are also his mouthpiece.

We are the only disciples of Jesus that some people will ever know.

             To reach these people, we Christians must be empowered by the Holy Spirit and directed              by the Holy Spirit. Words alone are not enough. We must have the anointing and t
             the presence of the Holy Spirit, drawing people. Then they will want to ask Jesus to be
             their Lord.

There are times when I am concerned about people who have come forward and prayed the             prayer of salvation and concluded that Christianity is just not working for them.

After you have given your life to Christ, if Gods word isn’t working in your life,
some where you have missed something. God’s word always works.

A lot of times we ask God for something and if we don’t get it in the time we think it
should happen we just give up and say it didn’t work.

Remember we still live in an imperfect world in flesh bodies.

God is looking for imperfect men and women who will live moment by moment,
depending on the Holy Spirit. God knows we are not perfect, he knows somewhere along
the line we will sin, and sin in the flesh until we get our resurrected bodies.

God’s method for reaching this generation is using Christians whose lifestyles are directed
by the Holy Spirit.

The Christian life is not something that gets easier with time. As you grow in the word,
your faith gets stronger and the devil strives harder against you.

The Christian life is not something you grow into, it is impossible…As long as we live in
our flesh body we will still sin.

As long as you are in the flesh you can’t live it, I can’t live it, God doesn’t even expect us
to live it. he exspects us to keep the good fight of faith. Satan will keep decieving you
and leading you away from God.

God knows it is impossible, Jesus knew it was impossible, that is why he sent the Holy Spirit
to inform us as to, “what do I do to live righteous”. Remember the Lord is always with you.

The Holy Spirit leads us in all truth and it is the truth that sets us free.


Be blessed

Brother Andy


Getting beyond the physical realm

            Ephesians 1:3-4 says, blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.

According as He has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love

Being blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, means that in Christ we have all the benefits of knowing God.

Being chosen for salvation being adopted as his children, forgiveness, insight, the gifts of the spirit, power to do Gods will, and the hope of living forever with his son Jesus Christ are just some of the benefits of being saved

Because we have an intimate relationship with Christ, we can enjoy these blessings now

The heavenly realms, means these blessings are eternal, not temporal.

The blessings come from Christ’s spiritual realm, not the earthly realm…

You must remember that he chose us and salvation depends totally on God.

We are not saved because we deserve it, but because God  graciously and freely gives salvation.

He saved us according to His plan. There is no way to take credit for our salvation

Some times it is hard to understand how God could accept us as to what we have become, but because of Jesus and the finished work at the cross, we are holy and blameless in Gods sight.

God chose us, and when we belong to him through Jesus Christ, God looks at us as if we had never sinned.

All we can do is express our thanks for his wonderful love, his loving kindness and live righteous before him.

God has adopted us as his own children, through Jesus’ sacrifice; he has brought us into his family and made us heirs with Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:17 says… and if children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.

God has showered us with his loving kindness along with all wisdom and understanding.

Gods’ purpose is that the ones that trust Christ should praise our glorious God.

God has identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago

The spirit is Gods guarantee that he will give us everything he promised, and that He has purchased us to be his own people.

I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people.

God is so rich in mercy and grace and he loves us so much that while we were dead in our sins, he gave us life when he raised Jesus from the dead.

It is only by Gods favor that we have been saved…

All because we are one with Christ Jesus

As Jesus is…so are we…

The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God can not keep you.

            The cross of Calvary has made it possible For you to rise above and beyond the physical realm by accepting the finished work at the cross through his son Jesus Christ

           And being led by his Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth…

What we are experiencing on earth right now is real, but God has another now for us…

God see’s us living above our circumstances… he sees us delivered and walking in joy and power.

So how do we rise from the way we see ourselves into how God sees us?

When you read Gods word, the Holy Spirit must communicate it to your spirit, because your natural mind won’t be able to comprehend it.

The spirit, your spirit, must rule the mind, don’t allow what we experience in our physical senses or our emotions to control what we think.

The promises of God, activated in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit, confirms a higher spiritual reality… it is conformation of being able to understand…

It is the ability to conceive of something that you can not see with your natural eyes…

Most people’s circumstances falls between two realities, a physical reality and a spiritual reality…

The one we were born into… and the one we were born again into…

The born again reality has a higher spiritual reality… it’s the ability to see ourselves the way God sees us.

In our daily pain, we see only our physical or human reality…

And that is why we loose our focus on our power for living the blessed life God has planned for us.

We must go beyond this physical realm, because the natural or carnal thinking will lead us over in to the area of doing things in our own self effort or our own strength…

The physical realm is a very self destructive place.

It leads to fear, stress, confusion, depression and now you have a monkey on your back that you can not shake.

When you get to this point you want anything that will give you some peace…

When people get to this point, they are about to make some of the biggest decisions they will ever make…

Do I turn to drugs and alcohol or to this God I have been told about?

We need to get over into the word realm and out of the world realm, and be aware of our circumstances enough to recognize Gods presence

Rejection of God makes it impossible to hear him.

God is directing your life for a purpose, and every day is not always so pretty, some days are cloudy…

Welcome to Christian reality, keep your eye on the Savior…


Peace be to you,

Brother Andy