Most preachers don’t seem to cover the area of prayer much.
I’ve often wondered why, because it is our way to communicate with God and let Him know the desires of our heart.
Hosea 4:6 says… My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, so if people don’t read the word, and the preacher doesn’t teach the word, then the people are going to have lack in their life.
I grew up in a small country Baptist Church and bless our pastors heart, I learned how to get saved every week for years… My point? Lack of knowledge
After I was a little older I started reading more and going to full gospel churches and received more wisdom and knowledge of how the word of God works.
When you pray, not only does the God of heaven hear your prayers, but the God of this world (called satan) also hears your prayers.
Satan will do his best to hinder every aspect of your prayer… if you allow it.
This is the time to first, pray to your heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and tell him what you want, believe that you will receive what you prayed for. Then every day thank Him and be patient.
God has to work through other people a lot of the time, and sometimes it might take a while for your prayer to manifest.
So you ask, the more I pray seems like the worse it gets.
You just woke up the devil and he does not want your prayers to be answered. He will use every weapon in his arsenal to stop the promises and provisions that God has in store for you.
Satan knows that if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, that God’s blessings, His ability and His favor is for every one of his children.
Satan just doesn’t want you to know it and if he can cause things to go wrong in your life he can get your mind off the manifestation of what you are believing for then he knows he has won.
That is why a lot of times it get’s worse. Instead of hanging in through the rough time in faith, we get over into the world mind set and loose hope
If satan can get you over into the area of hopelessness he will win every time.
Don’t do that, stand up and tell the devil what the word of God says: devil you have been defeated by the blood of Jesus and don’t have the right or authority over the things in my life. I am a child of God.
Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
Bless you
Rev. Andy Freeman
I will be looking for your comments…
It's time to make a choice
Read 2nd Tim 3:1-5 He is saying “ this also know in the last days perilous times shall come.
vs. 4 Don’t be High minded lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God
vs. 5 Having a form of godliness, they will appear to have a godly life. Denying the power thereof, they will not let the power change them”
Only the power of God, through his Holy Spirit, by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, will change a persons life.
The word of God is based on biblical facts. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. Understanding is the arrangement of the facts.
The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to place biblical facts in the proper perspective.
Gods word is very powerful, we are not living on blind faith, but the foundation of truth. The truth is built on hope through faith, faith has a substance.
Heb. 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Believing by faith comes through your supernatural knowledge and wisdom by the Holy Spirit.
One of the reasons we have unbelief is lack of knowledge. If you don’t read the word, you will never have enough knowledge for the Holy Spirit to work with. Every thing from God works through faith and never through unbelief. Abraham didn’t have anymore faith than we do, he just didn’t have the unbelief we have.
Having a form of godliness is destroying America. This god less godliness can cause people to lose hope and confidence in our government, our churches and even in family.
People are hearing different teachings on how to get to heaven, and some even teach there is more than one way to heaven. Which is a false teaching.
America is crumbling from the inside out with corruption and disobedience
We as Christians must start preaching and teaching about the blood of Jesus, and what he did for us at the cross.
We must teach about the new covenant, we are no longer under the law of Moses, the old law. We are under the Blood bought grace of God.
Jesus lived a perfect life, and died a horrible death to pay the price of this new covenant.
Jesus was beat beyond recognition, He took those stripes for our healing.
He was bruised for our iniquities, he shed His blood was for the remission of all our sins; past, present and future.
The crown of thorns, this blood was to cleanse your thoughts of the soul.
When they nailed his hands, it was saying I will bless everything you touch.
When they drove the nails into his feet the blood was saying, I’ll bless every step you take, Just trust what I am doing.
When they pierced His side and the blood and water separated, it was saying separate yourselves from the ways of the world.
Up until the time of Jesus, all the priests were from the tribe of Levi. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah. They would not accept Jesus as a priest and would not believe he was the son of God. To them he was just a carpenters son.
It is time to make a choice, let the spirit of God direct your life and help you keep a word mindset. Or do you think it is better to have a world mindset?
Either way Jesus will still love you.
But can you afford to be wrong?
Be blessed,
Brother Andy
Read 2nd Tim 3:1-5 He is saying “ this also know in the last days perilous times shall come.
vs. 4 Don’t be High minded lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God
vs. 5 Having a form of godliness, they will appear to have a godly life. Denying the power thereof, they will not let the power change them”
Only the power of God, through his Holy Spirit, by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, will change a persons life.
The word of God is based on biblical facts. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. Understanding is the arrangement of the facts.
The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to place biblical facts in the proper perspective.
Gods word is very powerful, we are not living on blind faith, but the foundation of truth. The truth is built on hope through faith, faith has a substance.
Heb. 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Believing by faith comes through your supernatural knowledge and wisdom by the Holy Spirit.
One of the reasons we have unbelief is lack of knowledge. If you don’t read the word, you will never have enough knowledge for the Holy Spirit to work with. Every thing from God works through faith and never through unbelief. Abraham didn’t have anymore faith than we do, he just didn’t have the unbelief we have.
Having a form of godliness is destroying America. This god less godliness can cause people to lose hope and confidence in our government, our churches and even in family.
People are hearing different teachings on how to get to heaven, and some even teach there is more than one way to heaven. Which is a false teaching.
America is crumbling from the inside out with corruption and disobedience
We as Christians must start preaching and teaching about the blood of Jesus, and what he did for us at the cross.
We must teach about the new covenant, we are no longer under the law of Moses, the old law. We are under the Blood bought grace of God.
Jesus lived a perfect life, and died a horrible death to pay the price of this new covenant.
Jesus was beat beyond recognition, He took those stripes for our healing.
He was bruised for our iniquities, he shed His blood was for the remission of all our sins; past, present and future.
The crown of thorns, this blood was to cleanse your thoughts of the soul.
When they nailed his hands, it was saying I will bless everything you touch.
When they drove the nails into his feet the blood was saying, I’ll bless every step you take, Just trust what I am doing.
When they pierced His side and the blood and water separated, it was saying separate yourselves from the ways of the world.
Up until the time of Jesus, all the priests were from the tribe of Levi. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah. They would not accept Jesus as a priest and would not believe he was the son of God. To them he was just a carpenters son.
It is time to make a choice, let the spirit of God direct your life and help you keep a word mindset. Or do you think it is better to have a world mindset?
Either way Jesus will still love you.
But can you afford to be wrong?
Be blessed,
Brother Andy
Don't be blindsided by the traditions of man
Contrary to what some people are saying, there are not many ways to heaven…
Read John 14:6 Jesus is saying, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand what he is saying
Don’t let yourself be blinded by what people are saying. Some of them don’t have the first idea what the WORD is saying. Jesus is the only way to the Father and heaven.
It is time to teach the truth and to look for the truth, we are about to come face to face with the one who died to save us from the lake of fire, the one who shed his blood to pay for our sins and iniquities. He has made it possible for us to spend eternity with Him.
It is time that we believe what the word of God is saying, that Jesus came to set us free. We can’t live a life of sin and still go to heaven. We can’t forget God and Jesus all week and think it is ok.
In John 10: 10 Jesus is saying I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. Open your heart to the word, so that you might know what the word of God is saying. That is where your abundance is. That is how to obtain all that heaven has to offer to you.
John 10: 27 says, “my sheep (people) hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.”
Verse 28 says “and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Because of Adams sin in the garden of Eden we were lost to the world, we were separated from God, we had lost our connection to him. We needed a savior and Jesus Christ was the one who came to save us. To go to heaven you must believe that Jesus is your savior.
Heaven is a real place, hell is a real place. God our creator is real. His son Jesus real, and what he did at Calvary made it possible for us to be heirs to the throne. Children of God.
We can’t keep living sinful lives and expect God to turn his head. He won’t. We must repent and live a Christ like walk.
It is getting close to the time of Jesus’ return. We must be ready. Stay prayed up and keep watching for Him. Keep in His word. Let Him know daily you love Him and are trying to live right for Him.
In His love,
Brother Andy.
Contrary to what some people are saying, there are not many ways to heaven…
Read John 14:6 Jesus is saying, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father but by me. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand what he is saying
Don’t let yourself be blinded by what people are saying. Some of them don’t have the first idea what the WORD is saying. Jesus is the only way to the Father and heaven.
It is time to teach the truth and to look for the truth, we are about to come face to face with the one who died to save us from the lake of fire, the one who shed his blood to pay for our sins and iniquities. He has made it possible for us to spend eternity with Him.
It is time that we believe what the word of God is saying, that Jesus came to set us free. We can’t live a life of sin and still go to heaven. We can’t forget God and Jesus all week and think it is ok.
In John 10: 10 Jesus is saying I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. Open your heart to the word, so that you might know what the word of God is saying. That is where your abundance is. That is how to obtain all that heaven has to offer to you.
John 10: 27 says, “my sheep (people) hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.”
Verse 28 says “and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Because of Adams sin in the garden of Eden we were lost to the world, we were separated from God, we had lost our connection to him. We needed a savior and Jesus Christ was the one who came to save us. To go to heaven you must believe that Jesus is your savior.
Heaven is a real place, hell is a real place. God our creator is real. His son Jesus real, and what he did at Calvary made it possible for us to be heirs to the throne. Children of God.
We can’t keep living sinful lives and expect God to turn his head. He won’t. We must repent and live a Christ like walk.
It is getting close to the time of Jesus’ return. We must be ready. Stay prayed up and keep watching for Him. Keep in His word. Let Him know daily you love Him and are trying to live right for Him.
In His love,
Brother Andy.
The perils of unbelief
Read Eph. 2:2 It is saying here that all of us have followed the ways of this present world, and it’s spiritual ruler. This ruler continues to work in people who refuse to obey God.
We follow the desires of our corrupt nature, and we do what our nature desires. Even though in Gods mercy and his great love for us, he gave us life together with Christ and has given us a position in heaven with Him. God saved us through faith as an act of kindness, being saved is a gift from God.
Eph. 2: 8 says we are saved by grace. That grace is free. Accessed by faith and only by faith, and it only comes through Jesus Christ.
Heb 11: 1 is saying “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, The evidence of things not seen.” Faith is a substance that produces a reality of things hoped for, through righteousness by the word of God and through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Rom 8:28 says… and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. It takes faith to make all things work.
2nd Peter 1: 1 says… we obtain precious faith through righteousness of God and our savior Jesus Christ.
Rom 12 :13 goes on to say, according as God has delt to every man the measure of faith. Lack of faith is not the reason most people don’t receive the manifestation of God, it is the unbelief of the word and the will of God. Get rid of the unbelief and faith will work.
The presence of unbelief will always short circuit your measure of faith. If you overload the electrical circuit breakers in your house, it will stop the flow of power to your lights.
When you apply unbelief to your faith just like the circuit breaker, it will stop the measure of faith in your life. The measure of faith never leaves a Christian.
So you ask, how do I deal with unbelief. How many times have you believed and still there was a struggle going on inside of you.
Remember you can’t be tempted with anything without thinking about it. The battle with Christians is in the mind and having thoughts of doing wrong things.
It is not in the realm of the Holy Spirit, don’t let outside reports distract you from where you are going, don’t let the spirit of fear determine or dominate your life.
Unbelief comes in different ways, it comes from not knowing, because of wrong teachings. it also comes from your natural senses, like what you see or what you think and what you are focused on.
You need to know they are wrong and reject them from your thoughts. The way to know what God wants is to stay in His Word all the answers are there in the Word. Seek Him out. Choose God and not the traditions of man.
The Lord bless you,
Brother Andy
Read Eph. 2:2 It is saying here that all of us have followed the ways of this present world, and it’s spiritual ruler. This ruler continues to work in people who refuse to obey God.
We follow the desires of our corrupt nature, and we do what our nature desires. Even though in Gods mercy and his great love for us, he gave us life together with Christ and has given us a position in heaven with Him. God saved us through faith as an act of kindness, being saved is a gift from God.
Eph. 2: 8 says we are saved by grace. That grace is free. Accessed by faith and only by faith, and it only comes through Jesus Christ.
Heb 11: 1 is saying “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, The evidence of things not seen.” Faith is a substance that produces a reality of things hoped for, through righteousness by the word of God and through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Rom 8:28 says… and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. It takes faith to make all things work.
2nd Peter 1: 1 says… we obtain precious faith through righteousness of God and our savior Jesus Christ.
Rom 12 :13 goes on to say, according as God has delt to every man the measure of faith. Lack of faith is not the reason most people don’t receive the manifestation of God, it is the unbelief of the word and the will of God. Get rid of the unbelief and faith will work.
The presence of unbelief will always short circuit your measure of faith. If you overload the electrical circuit breakers in your house, it will stop the flow of power to your lights.
When you apply unbelief to your faith just like the circuit breaker, it will stop the measure of faith in your life. The measure of faith never leaves a Christian.
So you ask, how do I deal with unbelief. How many times have you believed and still there was a struggle going on inside of you.
Remember you can’t be tempted with anything without thinking about it. The battle with Christians is in the mind and having thoughts of doing wrong things.
It is not in the realm of the Holy Spirit, don’t let outside reports distract you from where you are going, don’t let the spirit of fear determine or dominate your life.
Unbelief comes in different ways, it comes from not knowing, because of wrong teachings. it also comes from your natural senses, like what you see or what you think and what you are focused on.
You need to know they are wrong and reject them from your thoughts. The way to know what God wants is to stay in His Word all the answers are there in the Word. Seek Him out. Choose God and not the traditions of man.
The Lord bless you,
Brother Andy
Read John 15 : 7 If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
Abide means to believe and continue in God’s word. So many times people, even Christians will put all their effort into trying to figure out how to receive all the blessings God has for them.
When Jesus died at the cross, and said it is finished. What he was trying to get across to us was that he had taken care of our sins with his shed blood, he had taken care of our sickness and diseases by his stripes.
By going to the pit of hell as a guarantee to made available a new covenant so you could have life abundantly and access all heaven has to offer.
Problem is not what Jesus did but rather what we believe and abide in, or trust in. Even though Jesus has made everything available to us, if we don’t reach out and take it we will never have it.
The way to receive the things of God is through faith in the righteousness of God.
Mathew 6: 33 is telling us to seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
2nd Corinthians 5: 7 says we walk by faith and not by sight. To many of us live by what we see and not by faith.
Hebrews 11:6 says… but without faith it is impossible to please God. God is a rewarder to those who seek him.
The problem is a lot of people (Christians included) keep trying to do and get things under their own strength, thinking with carnal minds, instead of trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us in the ways of the Lord.
God loves us and has made available all that heaven has to offer. As believers and children of God you have a right to receive it. We must go by what the word says in order to receive.
Romans 8: 14 says…. For many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons and daughters of God.
Romans 8: 17 and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. We are not throw away people, we are the Holy Spirit, anointed children of God and heirs to His kingdom.
Don’t be deceived by the devil and what people say, you are a Kings kid, stand up and act like it. Get up every day and say… I am the righteousness of God, and no weapon formed against me will prosper.
Be blessed in the Lord,
Brother Andy
Read John 15 : 7 If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
Abide means to believe and continue in God’s word. So many times people, even Christians will put all their effort into trying to figure out how to receive all the blessings God has for them.
When Jesus died at the cross, and said it is finished. What he was trying to get across to us was that he had taken care of our sins with his shed blood, he had taken care of our sickness and diseases by his stripes.
By going to the pit of hell as a guarantee to made available a new covenant so you could have life abundantly and access all heaven has to offer.
Problem is not what Jesus did but rather what we believe and abide in, or trust in. Even though Jesus has made everything available to us, if we don’t reach out and take it we will never have it.
The way to receive the things of God is through faith in the righteousness of God.
Mathew 6: 33 is telling us to seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
2nd Corinthians 5: 7 says we walk by faith and not by sight. To many of us live by what we see and not by faith.
Hebrews 11:6 says… but without faith it is impossible to please God. God is a rewarder to those who seek him.
The problem is a lot of people (Christians included) keep trying to do and get things under their own strength, thinking with carnal minds, instead of trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us in the ways of the Lord.
God loves us and has made available all that heaven has to offer. As believers and children of God you have a right to receive it. We must go by what the word says in order to receive.
Romans 8: 14 says…. For many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons and daughters of God.
Romans 8: 17 and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. We are not throw away people, we are the Holy Spirit, anointed children of God and heirs to His kingdom.
Don’t be deceived by the devil and what people say, you are a Kings kid, stand up and act like it. Get up every day and say… I am the righteousness of God, and no weapon formed against me will prosper.
Be blessed in the Lord,
Brother Andy
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