Even in life today, you can live a very good, prosperous and happy life.
As you read these next few words, take a deep breath, relax and let the words penetrate your very soul.
I am teaching today on Gods grace and why Christians are not receiving all the blessings they are entitled to.
Before the cross, the people, mostly the Jewish, lived under the law of Moses. It is known as the ten commandments, they also lived under thousands of other laws,
Mankind could not keep all the Laws. God designed the laws to show people they needed a savior.
First of all the old covenant, the law of Moses, was never intended for the gentiles, It was for the Jewish people.
The new covenant started at the cross, When Jesus died and said “it is finished” all mankind had access to all the provisions God had for mankind. It was designed to be gotten through His son, Jesus Christ.
The grace of God and His love for you is nearly too good to be true, it is a gospel that is over the top. The new covenant of grace leads us out of the covenant of the Law.
The only thing God asks us to do is love His Son enough to accept what he did at the cross.
You might say, well you don’t know all the wrong I have done in my life.
How can God love someone like me. Well did he love David or Moses or even Paul, these three people wrote almost all the bible and all three were murderers.
Just because you have missed the mark a few times does not mean God stopped loving you.
You can’t do enough bad to make God stop loving you, and you can’t do enough good to make Him love you more. God loves you in spite of anything you can do.
One of the problems of today is even Christians get over into the Law of Moses and try to do good works to gain favor with God.
When you get over into the old covenant of the law, you step out from the new covenant of grace, and the blessings will stop.
Why do they stop, because you are leaving God out of the picture and trying to do things in your own power. He can’t bless you if you try to live under the old covenant.
Religion teaches that you go to hell because of your sin, and people don’t realize that Jesus died and took our sin. Past, present and future, and they, (sins) are cast away, but that is another message.
If you want to be blessed and have Gods favor on your life, do this, start by accepting Jesus as Lord of your life. When you do that the Holy Spirit will seal your spirit .
He will lead you and release all the secret things unto you and reveal Gods word into your spirit.
Only one sin will keep you out of heaven. Not accepting Jesus as Lord and savior. It won’t be because you missed the mark a few times and sinned.
Keep tuned into me on the web
God bless
Bro Andy
Read John 17: 13-19... Jesus is about to return to heaven and is praying to the Heavenly Father.
He is saying to the father, keep them from evil, for they are not of this world as I am not of this world. ..He is speaking here of the believers
Sanctify them through the truth, for the word is truth. For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through truth.
John 8: 32 says… and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Being sanctified means made holy, or set apart for sacred services.
A sanctifier is a person or thing that sanctifies or makes holy… specifically, the Holy Spirit.
Sanctify or to make holy, means free from sin or to purify… To set apart as holy to make sacred. Sanctification just means to be sanctified…
There are different levels of sanctification, they are connected to your levels of spiritual growth and maturity.
The first manifestation of sanctification is at the moment of conversion…(accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior)… believing He gave his life so your life could be saved.
The first manifestation happens when a person becomes a believer by receiving Jesus through the new blood covenant upon their confession of faith.
At that time, God sets you apart as sons and daughters through this new covenant, instantly at this time the Holy Spirit seals your spirit.
We are sanctified by the word, by the blood, by the Holy Spirit, and by separating yourself from unclean things. Read 2nd Corr. 6: 17-18
Heb 13: 11-12 says… we are sanctified by the blood of Jesus
Under the old covenant (which is the Mosaic Law) the chief priest would bring the blood of animals into the holy place as an offering for sin.
Since the new covenant, by the blood of Jesus, all our sins past, present and future have been washed away, if you have accepted him as Lord and Savior.
Read Eph 5:26-27... It is saying the church has been made holy by the spoken word. So Jesus could present it to Himself as a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle, holy without fault.
Read Heb 10: 28-31... Under the law, if two or three witnesses accuse someone of rejecting Moses teachings, that person was shown no mercy and he was executed.
What do you think a person who shows no respect for the Son of God deserves? That person looks at the blood , the blood that made him holy as no different from other peoples blood.
He insults the very spirit that God gave out of his loving kindness. This person deserves a much worse punishment, God says, I alone have the right to take revenge.
Falling into the hands of the living God is a terrifying thing. The Lord will judge you if you are not sanctified by the word, the blood and his Holy Spirit.
If you are a believer, Gods mercy, Gods grace and the truth will set you free.
May the truth be with you,
Be blessed, Brother Andy
Read Math 12: 32 Understanding the word of God, the will of God and the importance of who the Holy Spirit is. You need the ability to place biblical facts in a proper perspective in your daily walk.
The Holy Spirit is the giver of peace, not the vexation (or) torment the devil puts on you…
Isaiah 10: 27 says… The Holy Spirit is a yoke breaker. The yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing.
The power of the Holy Spirit being released upon or within a person can break the thought patterns and emotional burdens on the Christians life…
Once this yoke is broken, then a feeling of peace will settle over you.
Read Rom 14: 17.… When the chains or yokes of depression and oppression are broken, these emotional and spiritual chains will be replaced by peace.
There is Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit…To have peace is to be in a state of mind where the mind and body are free from mental frustrations.
Peace is so important to God that in
Numbers 25: 12 he spoke of giving his people a covenant of peace. Read Romans 5: 11 the Holy Spirit provides a level of peace
Living in sin produces discord, but forgiveness of sin produces peace with God.
Read John 16: 13 When we ignore the Holy Spirits call, instruction and direction, we open the door for satin that leads to actions of disobedience
Love, compassion and affection are all imparted by the Holy Spirit.
The word of God is based on Facts
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts
Understanding is the arrangement of facts
It is the ability through the Holy Spirit to place biblical facts in a proper perspective. The word of God and the Holy Spirit are an unbeatable team
Gods word is powerful, we are not living on blind faith, but the foundation of truth…
The Holy Spirit touches the emotional part of the human spirit, without emotions, there is no motivation. That is why you FEEL the presence of the Holy Spirit in a powerful worship service.
When Worship and praise are released in the service and everyone is in one accord, you can always feel the presence of the Holy Spirit…
When a church rejects any form of emotion in their worship service, the anointing of the Holy Spirit can not work, or inter in…He works through love, peace, joy and faith, in the word of God.
I have learned that God does not always work through perfect vessels. Not all believers have reached the heights of spiritual perfection.
Most of us struggle, but the anointing has always flowed through obedient vessels.
Sometimes believers struggle with lack of self-esteem. Like fear of failure, doubt and guilt from their past. Also a lack of confidence, even in their own prayers being answered,
Jesus used common men to turn the world upside down. Sometimes even anointed men of God miss the mark and do foolish things.
The anointing did not prevent them from being exposed to the world system and the influence of temptation.
The failure came, not because the Holy Spirit was not indwelling them, But because they yielded to the voice of the tempter, who is the devil.
When you meet the tempter head on… refuse to follow his voice or yield to his deception
If we could mature to perfection without the Holy Spirit, then we would not need him to dwell within us.
He is given to help us in our weakness.
God Bless,
Brother Andy
The divine power of God is called grace…It is the divine power that reveals the righteousness of God.
It is the divine power that gives you everything that pertains to life and Godliness.
It is the Divine power of God that makes it possible for you to access things you need through God
And it was the divine power that brought Paul back from the dead into righteousness, into divine life through Jesus Christ’
Just like Paul, we must be born from unrighteousness unto righteousness…
The law came through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ…
Jesus came and fulfilled the Law, he came as a ransom and delivered us from sin under the Law…The gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of grace…Grace is the unmerited favor of God through His mercy. Grace is the entire gospel, nearly to good to be true gospel… over the top news
We did not work for it, we did not deserve it… it came through Gods mercy, His love, and His loving kindness, through our faith… The gospel of grace is not ashamed, grace is the power of God…
The law was all bad news… can do this, can’t do that, and stoned to death…
The Law puts you under condemnation, grace is the divine power under salvation…
Grace will deliver you out of depression, poverty, sickness and diseases as well as delivering you from condemnation.
Read gal 3:1-6... Paul is saying, you stupid people of Galatia, who put you under and evil spell…Wasn’t the crucifixion clearly described to you?
How did you begin in a spiritual way and end up doing things in a human way?
Read Rom 5: 20-21
Gods law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were, so they would become sin conscious
The purpose of the law was to show people that they needed a savior… the law made them aware…
The covenant of grace leads us out of the covenant of the law, we now live under the spirit of grace…
Grace was not given unto us to make us holy, while it is holy
Grace was not given unto us to make us righteous, even though we are righteous by faith…
Gods grace was given because man could not receive eternal life under the law
We had to have a savior and Jesus Christ is our savior…
Gods law was perfect, but it could not make us perfect, the problem was with man, not with God.
God didn’t ask you to do anything, just trust…
He has already made healing available to you, deliverance, He made you free and has done every thing you need…
Your performance won’t make it happen, Jesus has already qualified you to have every Blessing.
The holy spirit will lead you by the renewing of your mind… read 2nd Corr 4:16 read eph 4: 22-24
You can not live in the flesh in this world system with out the renewing of your mind…The word of God is the language of the spirit
The 10 commandments is not lead by the spirit, it is lead by works. Our new covenant is led through accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior by the spirit through faith
God is not turning his head on sin anymore, but has given us resources through his Son, his Word and the Holy Spirit to live a holy life.
When God speaks of a new covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete.
It is now out of date and ready to be put aside. Stop trying to impress God by good works.
Just trust Him and let Him impress you.
God bless
Brother Andy
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